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Create your minimum dapp on Tezos

dApp : A decentralized application is a type of distributed open source software application that runs on a peer-to-peer (P2P) blockchain network rather than on a single computer. DApps are visibly similar to other software applications that are supported on a website or mobile device.

This tutorial shows you how to create a poke game on smart contract. The game consists on poking the owner of a smart contract. The smart contract keeps a track of user interactions and stores a trace.

Poke sequence diagram.

You will learn :

  • How to create a Tezos project with Taqueria.
  • How to create a smart contract in jsLigo.
  • How to deploy the smart contract a real testnet named Ghostnet.
  • How to create a frontend dApp using Taquito library and interact with a Tezos browser wallet.
  • How to use an indexer like TZKT.


This tutorial uses Typescript, so it will be easier if you are familiar with JavaScript.

  1. Make sure that you have installed these tools:

    • Node.JS and NPM: NPM is required to install the web application's dependencies.
    • Taqueria, version 0.45.0 or later: Taqueria is a platform that makes it easier to develop and test dApps.
    • Docker: Docker is required to run Taqueria.
    • jq: Some commands use the jq program to extract JSON data.
    • yarn: The frontend application uses yarn to build and run (see this article for details about differences between npm and yarn).
    • Any Tezos-compatible wallet that supports Ghostnet, such as Temple wallet.
  2. Optionally, you can install VS Code to edit your application code in and the LIGO VS Code extension for LIGO editing features such as code highlighting and completion. Taqueria also provides a Taqueria VS Code extension that helps visualize your project and run tasks.

The tutorial application

In this tutorial, you create a simple game where the user is poking though a dApp. The user interacts with the smart contract through a web interface, where they can see the current state of the contract and send poke commands to it. The contract responds by updating its storage with the user's address. Alternately, a user can also poke the contract deployed by other users.

The application looks like this:

Example of the table of addresses and which addresses poked them

The code for the completed application is in this GitHub repository: solution

When you're ready, move to the next section Create your minimum dApp on Tezos to begin setting up the application.